Darkstars Fantasy News

10. Februar 2016

Frisch gepresst:
Sophie Jordan: Reign of Shadows

Category: News – Darkstar – 13:00

Reign of ShadowsHeute erscheint “Reign of Shadows“, der neue Roman von Sophie Jordan.

Ihre Drachengestaltwandler-Fantasy Firelight habe ich nicht ausprobiert, auf “Reign of Shadows” bin ich jetzt aber irgendwie neugierig – vielleicht, weil die Elemente so einen leichten Märchen-Touch haben.

Der US-Verlag über das Buch:

Seventeen years ago, an eclipse cloaked the kingdom of Relhok in perpetual darkness. In the chaos, an evil chancellor murdered the king and queen and seized their throne. Luna, Relhok’s lost princess, has been hiding in a tower ever since. Luna’s survival depends on the world believing she is dead.

But that doesn’t stop Luna from wanting more. When she meets Fowler, a mysterious archer braving the woods outside her tower, Luna is drawn to him despite the risk. When the tower is attacked, Luna and Fowler escape together. But this world of darkness is more treacherous than Luna ever realized.

With every threat stacked against them, Luna and Fowler find solace in each other. But with secrets still unspoken between them, falling in love might be their most dangerous journey yet.

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