Next week it finally happens: Lynn Flewellings new Shadowrunner-Novel will be released in the US. Therefore I asked Lynn to answer eight questions for us about “Shadows Return“. You can read them when you push “weiterlesen”.
1. Please try to give us an idea of what awaits us in „Shadows Return“ in just one sentence.
Seregil and Alec face an entirely different sort of danger, one that will put their talimenios bond to the test.
2. How differs the book from your previous “Nightrunner” novels (in case it does)?
It differs in one very significant way: I am a far better writer now. I’ve written three other novels since TRAITOR’S MOON, and honed my skills and my style. Not that SHADOWS RETURN won’t have the same character and flavor as the earlier books. I just think I’m doing all that better now.
3. Is it necessary to have read the three previous novels to understand what happens in “Shadow’s Return” or is it a book a reader who isn’t familiar with your novels can start with as well?
New readers should be able to jump in. I include enough hints of the major backstory, mostly through dialogue, to help them enter the world and the life streams of the main characters. That being said, readers who have read the three previous books may experience this new story on a different level. I hope it feels like a homecoming for them, returning to familiar haunts and old friends.
4. Did writing the novel challenge you as a writer in a way that didn’t occur before?
The major challenge lay in reacquainting myself with the characters and the Nightrunner era. It took a lot of work to get that cast of voices talking to me again, after spending so many years with Tamír and Ki in their much earlier time period. On the other hand, this new story is one that’s been bubbling on the back burner of my brain for some time now and it was exciting to actually bring it out into the daylight and flesh it out. This was also meant to be a shorter novel than the earlier ones, so I had to find a way to pack a lot of story into a smaller space. My hope is that I can keep up my level of quality, but publish books more quickly. Those who have read the new book were surprised when I pointed out that it was shorter. They didn’t notice the difference.
5. What was the best experience for you during writing it?
Working with my editor on the last few drafts. I hate first drafts, but once the body of the story is complete I can go back and add all sorts of wonderful details, scenes, conversations, sometimes even a new character. And it is delicious fun to mercilessly hack out the deadwood. I feel like a piano tuner sometimes, tightening every string to the right pitch.
6. Who is the supporting character in this novel we should keep an eye on?
I couldn’t possibly say.
7. Any plans for a German translation already?
Nothing official yet, but I have two publishers there at the moment and hope that someone will want it. Often foreign publishers wait until the US version is out before they make a decision.
[Darkstar’s note: It’s probably no bad idea to write either Bastei Lübbe or Otherworld one or two emails demanding a translation *grin*]
8. How would you describe the type of books you write to someone who hasn’t read your novels yet?
By turns dark, funny, tragic, and always a bit complex. Characterization is my strong point, and readers tend to fall in love with various people I’ve created. I try to make my fantasy worlds as realistic as possible, with magic that makes sense and people who operate out of a believable personality. I also address issues—gender, identity, ethics, the nature of sacrifice and the like—but I never let that overwhelm the story. Instead it should subtly color the tale, so that the reader takes it in as part of the plot. I don’t ever want it to feel like I’m pushing some agenda. Real life is fraught with issues; fiction is, too, or should be.
Thank you for answering these questions, Lynn! All the best both for “Shadows Return” and for you and your family!
You can read a preview chapter of the novel here.
Authors Website: Lynn Flewelling
Nice interview and great to meet up with some German bloggers (maybe it’s just me but back when I still used to live in Germany, most of my online acquaintances came from anywhere else but my own native country and now that I live in the U.S. it almost seems to be the other way ’round). Anyway, that’s just an aside ;)
Really nice blog and I can’t wait for SHADOWS RETURN to come out :D
Kommentar by Nymeria87 — 19. Juni 2008 @ 02:31
Thx, Nymeria (guessing you’re a G.R.R. Martin fan as well, seeing at your name). :-)
Kommentar by admin — 23. Juni 2008 @ 08:35