Darkstars Fantasy News

28. Dezember 2010

Preview 2011: Jim C. Hines on Magic ex Libris

Category: News – Darkstar – 19:16

Stepsisters SchemeTo offer something special to my blog-readers at the end of the year I asked several authors whose novels I highly enjoy to tell us a little bit about the projects they will be writing on in 2011.

I am happy that Jim C. Hines was so kind to participate. He’s working on finishing his Princess-series at the moment. Today he’ll tell us, what his next series is about:

I’m working on a new project with a tentative series title of Magic ex Libris. I’ve sold the first two books to my U.S. publisher. The first book is currently titled Libriomancer, though that may change by the time it comes out.

This series will be my first present-day fantasy, about a magically gifted librarian and a superpowered dryad. I’m hoping to play with some of the more popular urban fantasy trends, in much the same way that I played with more traditional sword and sorcery when I wrote my Jig the goblin books. It should be fun!

I had written a few short stories exploring these ideas, and they were tremendous fun. That’s what really drew me to the project: the books sounded like such fun to write. I can’t wait to wrap up my final revisions on Snow Queen’s Shadow and start in on the new series!

There’s one very special character: a certain fire-spider will be returning as my title character’s companion.

Jim C. Hines website can be found here.

My interview with Jim C. Hines can be found here.


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