Darkstars Fantasy News

14. Mai 2012

Libba Bray: Love is the Higher Law

Category: News – Darkstar – 18:16

Gemmas VisionenDie gute Libba Bray! Die (höchst sympathische) Autorin von “Gemmas Visionen” und “Ohne. Ende. Leben” hat sich in einem längeren Blog-Eintrag über das Unding ausgelassen, dass in North Carolina homosexuelle Ehen nicht nur illegal sind, sondern jetzt noch gesetzlich noch einmal besonders geächtet wurden.

Unter dem Titel “Love is the Higher Law” schreibt sie einen ausführlichen Eintrag, wie sie die Sache sieht und weshalb dieser amerikanische Erlass so falsch ist:

Ein Auszug:

Most importantly, on a fundamental level, it makes LGBTQ citizens into a powerless faction whose rights are subject to a popular vote. Certain rights are inalienable. They are not up for a vote.


Your religious beliefs are your own, but do not use them to take away the rights of others. God is not our President. He is not a Congressman from North Carolina.

“You don’t rewrite the nature of God’s design based on the demands of a group of adults,” argued Tami Fitzgerald, head of the pro-amendment group Vote FOR Marriage NC.

Demands? Demands. You mean a “demand” for equality? The “demand” not to be treated like pariahs by the state? The “demand” to be allowed to love the person you love and to forge a legally recognized union with that person, to build a life, possibly raise children with that person while enjoying the same rights and privileges afforded heterosexual American citizens? Yes, these do seem like the sorts of “demands” adults would ask for. And other adults, it seems to me, would recognize the fairness of these “demands.”

I’m not sure if I believe in God or not, but as a minister’s daughter, I have been exposed to the Bible here and there. And if the Bible is to be invoked, then let me invoke First Corinthians, 1-13. If you’ve ever been to a wedding, odds are good you’ve heard this one:

“But now remains faith, hope, love, these three;
but the greatest of these is love.”

It would seem to me that this carries “God’s design” and that it is North Carolina’s legislators (and, sadly, 61% of its voters) who would like to “rewrite” that design.”

Den ganzen Blogeintrag lesen: hier!


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