Kennt noch jemand Joane Bertins “Der letzte Drachenlord“? Bei meinen Recherchen für einen Nautilus-Artikel bin ich jetzt über die Information gestolpert, dass die Autorin nach rund zehnjähriger Schaffenspause ihre Trilogie endlich beendet.
Im November erscheint unter dem Titel “Bard’s Oath” der Abschlussband der Saga, die auch hierzulande um die Jahrtausendwende veröffentlicht wurde. Ob der Roman auch auf Deutsch erscheint, ist mir derzeit nicht bekannt.
Aus der Buchbeschreibung auf Amazon:
For many millennia, the Dragonlords have been a blessing to the world, with their great magic and awesome power. And though they live far longer than the humans who they resemble when not in their draconic state, these fabled changelings are still loyal to their human friends. But their magic is not the only power abroad in the world. And not all the magic is as benign as theirs.
Leet, a master bard of great ability and vaulting ambition, has his own magic, but of a much darker nature. Years ago, death claimed the woman he loved, setting him on a course to avenge her death, no matter the consequences. Now, mad with hatred and consumed by his thirst for revenge, Leet has set in motion a nefarious plot that ensnares the friend of a Dragonlord, using his bardly skills . . . and dark powers only he can summon, to accomplish his bitter task.
Raven, a young horse-breeder friend of the Dragonloard Linden Rathan, is ensnared by Leet and under the bard’s spell, is one of the bard’s unwitting catspaws. When accused of a heinous crime, Raven turns to Linden, and while Dragonlords normally do not meddle in human affairs, Linden comes to Raven’s aid, loath to abandon him in his time of desperate need.
But Raven, and others vicimized by Leet, are at the mercy of human justice. Can even a Dragonlord save them from a dire fate before it is too late?
Das Buch auf Amazon vorbestellen: Print hier und Kindle hier!
Oh, da freue ich mich drauf! Habe ja alle drei Bände da.
Kommentar by Bine — 1. Oktober 2012 @ 13:55