Darkstars Fantasy News

16. März 2017

Ein neuer InCryptid Roman ist da

Category: News – Darkstar – 20:00

Mit Magic for Nothing ist gerade der bereits sechste InCryptid-Roman von Seanan McGuire erschienen.

Schon verrückt, was diese Frau für einen Output hat.

Im Mittelpunkt steht diesmal eine neue Protagonistin: Antimony – Veritiys kleine Schwester.

Ich bin mega gespannt. Das verspricht der Klappentext:

As the youngest of the three Price children, Antimony is used to people not expecting much from her. She’s been happy playing roller derby and hanging out with her cousins, leaving the globe-trotting to her older siblings while she stays at home and tries to decide what she wants to do with her life. She always knew that one day, things would have to change. She didn’t think they’d change so fast.

Annie’s expectations keep getting shattered. She didn’t expect Verity to declare war on the Covenant of St. George on live television. She didn’t expect the Covenant to take her sister’s threat seriously. And she definitely didn’t expect to be packed off to London to infiltrate the Covenant from the inside…but as the only Price in her generation without a strong resemblance to the rest of the family, she’s the perfect choice to play spy. They need to know what’s coming. Their lives may depend on it.

But Annie has some secrets of her own, like the fact that she’s started setting things on fire when she touches them, and has no idea how to control it. Now she’s headed halfway around the world, into the den of the enemy, where blowing her cover could get her killed. She’s pretty sure things can’t get much worse.

Antimony Price is about to learn just how wrong it’s possible for one cryptozoologist to be.

Die InCryptid-Bücher gefallen mir zwar nicht ganz so gut wie Seanan McGuires October Daye-Romane, aber sie sind trotzdem sehr nette Pageturner.

Nachdem ich von Band 5 weniger begeistert war, bin ich gespannt, wie sich Annie als Protagonistin dieser schrägen, witzigen Reihe schlägt, in der sich Gorgonen und der Boogey Man im modernen Amerika miteinander fetzen.

Der Roman ist als Print und ebook erhältlich.

Meine Rezension zum Serienstart: “Discount Armageddon


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