Darkstars Fantasy News

31. Dezember 2010

Preview 2011: Lynn Flewelling on Casket of Souls

Category: News – Darkstar – 07:00

The Bone Dolls TwinTo offer something special to my blog-readers at the end of the year I asked several authors whose novels I highly enjoy to tell us a little bit about the projects they will be writing on in 2011.

I am thrilled that Lynn Flewelling was so kind to participate. I love her works since I discovered Luck in the Shadows. And regular visitors to my blog now that The Bone Dolls Twin is my all-time-favorite novel. Today, Lynn Flewelling tells us about the novel she is working on at the moment:

I’m currently writing a new Nightrunner book, number 6 in the series! The title is CASKET OF SOULS

Alec and Seregil spend a hot summer in Rhiminee, tracking down two separate plots, one against Klia, the other against Phoria and her young heir, Elani. In the process they stumble across something else entirely, which I’m not going to spoil. But there’s lots nightrunning!

As it’s a Nightrunner book, Seregil and Alec are the main characters, of course, but Micum Cavish and the wizard Thero are also featured, as well as other old friends.

The Nightrunner series has a very good following and readers wanted more adventures after THE WHITE ROAD, which came out last May. I really love the characters and the world, and it’s fun for me to explore it more and in different ways in each book.

Lynn Flewellings Website can be found here!

My interviews with Lynn Flewelling can be found here and here!


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