Darkstars Fantasy News

5. September 2014

Gay Friday: Arise from the Rubble

Category: News – Darkstar – 08:00

Arise from the RubbleMorgen erscheint der erste Teil eines Urban Fantasy-Episoden Romans mit einem Cyberpunk-Setting, in dessen Zentrum eine schwule Liebesgeschichte steht:

Eilenn Glass’ “Arise from the Rubble“.

Und weil diese Woche “New Releases Week” auf meinem Blog ist, will ich euch heute auf diese Serie aufmerksam machen. Ich hab also noch nicht selbst hineinlesen können. Aber das Set Up und die Geschichte klingen ungewöhnlich.

Die Autorin erschreibt ihren Episodenroman wie folgt:

A smuggler steals Oliver’s most valuable possession—the gold chain necklace left to him by his mother. What’ll he do when he finds out his other treasure, the orphan he raised and regards as a little sister, is also leaving him?

Welcome to Brightlake…

A sinking city over the water exists in a constant state of rebuilding, its people trying to stay dry and alive. Oliver is a surface rat, living on the polluted water itself, just trying to get by on minimum wages and a closet to sleep in. Wyatt is from out of town, here to compete in the arena with his inherited ‘rust bucket,’ a mech machine over 200 years old.

There’s unrest in the city…

A revolution calls for humanity to shun technology and return to a natural existence. Neither Oliver nor Wyatt particularly care for the rebellion. They wouldn’t mind things the way they are, if they only had more money and its comforts. They’ve got themselves to look after and fantasies to chase.

There’ll be nothing left…

An impending terrorist attack will leave the city in ruins. Wyatt has the machine to fight it. Oliver holds the secret to stopping it. But neither is capable. To save the city, they’ll have to give up who they are and arise together as heroes.

Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob das was für mich ist, aber die erste Episode kostet nur 0,89 EUR, da kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen.

Falls jemand von euch schneller ist als ich: Lasst mich wissen, ob sich ein Blick in die Geschichte lohnt!

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