Alle drei Bände von Anne Bishops Tir Alainn-Trilogie gibt es derzeit für je 3,50 EUR als Taschenbuch.
Im Zentrum der drei jeweils in sich abgeschlossenen, aber aufeinanander aufbauenden Romane aus der Feder der Autorin der Schwarze Juwelen-Saga stehen erneut Hexen, aber auch Feen.
Atmosphärisch sind sie weniger düster und erotisch als die Trilogie, die Anne Bishop berühmt gemacht hat, sparen aber ebenso wenig einige brutale Szenen nicht aus. Nicht zuletzt, weil es u. a. auch um Hexenverfolgung geht.
Teil 1: The Pillars of the World
In Sylvalan, a witch hunt is in full force. As witches and innocents are brutally murdered, magic is disappearing from the land, and the roads between the world of humans and that of faeries are vanishing one by one. This is a dark fantasy of a world in danger of being destroyed by those who deny themselves their heritage.
The youngest in a long line of witches, Ari senses that things are changing–changing for the worse. For generations, her kin have tended the Old Places, keeping the land safe and fertile. But with the Summer Moon, the mood of her neighbors has soured. And Ari is no longer safe.
The Fae have long ignored what occurs in the mortal world, passing through on their shadowy roads only long enough to amuse themselves. But the roads are slowly disappearing, leaving the Fae Clans isolated and alone.
Where harmony between the spiritual and the natural has always reigned, a dissonant chord now rings in the ears of both Fae and mortal. And when murmurs of a witch-hunt hum through the town, some begin to wonder if the different omens are notes in the same tune.
And all they have to guide them is a passing reference to something called the Pillars of the World….
Teil 2: Shadows and Light
Ever since the slaughter of the witches, the Fae—who should be shielding their long-lost cousins from danger—have ignored the needs of the rest of the world. And shadows are again gathering in the eastern villages—dark, potent shadows that threaten the lives of every witch, woman, and Fae. Only three Fae can stand against the growing madness and help prevent more bloodshed—the Bard, the Muse, and the Gatherer of Souls.
Aiden, the Bard, knows how desperately the world depends upon the Fae’s protection. But the Fae refuse to heed his warnings about the wickedness lurking amid the trees. Now Aiden and his one true love—Lyrra, the Muse—must embark on a perilous journey to find the one Fae who can convince the rest to leave their secure perches to save the witches and mortals. Because if the Fae don’t act soon, no one will survive.
Teil 3: The House of Gaian
It began as a witch-hunt. But the Master Inquisitor’s plans to eliminate all traces of female power in the world have expanded to crushing the Sylvalan barons who oppose him and to destroying the wellspring of magic in the Mother’s Hills.
Faced with this evil, humans, witches, and the Fae become uneasy allies. But even together, they aren’t strong enough to stand against the armies the Inquisitors are gathering. So they look for help from their last possible ally. The House of Gaian. The reclusive witches who rule the Mother’s Hills. The witches powerful enough to create a world or to destroy one…
And the witches’ long-held creed “Do no harm” is about to give way to a more important one: Survive.