Darkstars Fantasy News

1. September 2015

Seanan McGuires A RED-ROSE CHAIN ist da

Category: News – Darkstar – 12:50

A Rose-Red ChainHeute erscheint mit “A Red-Rose Chain” der mittlerweile neunte Roman von Seanan McGuires Urban Fantasy-Serie “October Daye”.

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Nachdem Band 8 einige etablierte Vorstellungen auf den Kopf gestellt hat, bin ich natürlich gespannt, wie es mit Toby und dem Feenvolk von San Francisco. Dem Klappentext ist zu entnehmen, dass Toby diesmal einen Ausflug weg aus San Francisco macht:

Things are looking up.

For the first time in what feels like years, October “Toby” Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life—and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and a King of Cats to love, and maybe, just maybe, she can let her guard down for a change.

Or not. When Queen Windermere’s seneschal is elf-shot and thrown into an enchanted sleep by agents from the neighboring Kingdom of Silences, Toby finds herself in a role she never expected to play: that of a diplomat. She must travel to Portland, Oregon, to convince King Rhys of Silences not to go to war against the Mists. But nothing is that simple, and what October finds in Silences is worse than she would ever have imagined.

How far will Toby go when lives are on the line, and when allies both old and new are threatened by a force she had never expected to face again? How much is October willing to give up, and how much is she willing to change? In Faerie, what’s past is never really gone.

It’s just waiting for an opportunity to pounce

Auf ihrem Blog hat Seanan McGuire übrigens gerade ein paar Fragen rund um die Welt der Fae beantwortet, zum Beispiel wie es dazu kam, dass sich die Welt der Feen in Königreiche und Herzogtümer unterteilt hat.

“A Red-Rose Chain” bestellen:

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