Darkstars Fantasy News

14. Juli 2017

Kayla Bain-Vrba: Glamour
The cobbler’s son and the fairy prince …

Category: Rezensionen,Romane – Darkstar – 15:09

GlamourYoung Pip lives with his father, a shoemaker, and his stepmother in a small village, dreaming of great love. A dream for which his cruel stepmother only has mockery. She treats Pip like a servant without his father doing anything about it. The boy has accepted his poor situation. Until his stepmother whispers lies to the wrong people…

Suddenly Pip finds himself as a prisoner at the court of the Aelfin King. Pip is desperate and thinks his last hour has struck. But then the son of the king appears in his dungeon cell and decides to help the handsome young boy by doing the impossible …

Glamour is a bit Cinderella, a bit Rumpelstiltskin – Kayla Bain-Vrba has been inspired by classical motifs to weave her own fairy tale. A magical fairy tale, in its center a gay love story.

This novella does not even cover 50 pages. And since it is told quite straightforward and portrays its characters as classical heroes and villains, it also feels like a fairy tale.

I liked it very much. The figures are very charming (the villains disgusting) and I have to admit I also fell in love with Pip. He is such a hopeless romantic; lonely, but hopeful.

The love story is sweet and well done and the novella has exactly the right length for me.

Glamor is more an independent fairy tale than a fairytale adaptation, and certainly not the last story from Kayla Bain-Vrba I will read.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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