Darkstars Fantasy News

4. September 2015

Gay Friday: Geeky Fanboy-Tipp
How to Repair a Mechanical heart

Category: News – Darkstar – 08:00

How to Repair a Mechanical HeartSciFi-Serien, Conventions, Slash Fiction und Fanboys:

J. C. Lillis’ “How to Repair a Mechanical Heart” klingt nach einem Buch, dass mein Geek-Herz höher schlägen lässt. Es geht nämlich um zwei schwule Fanboys, die sich auf einen Road Trip zu begeben, um die Drehbuchautoren einer beliebten SciFi-Serie davon zu überzeugen, dass der Weltraumkapitän Cadmus und der adrette Android Sim auf keinen Fall ein Paar werden dürfen!

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Das sagt die Goodreads-Inhaltsangabe:

Eighteen-year-old Castaway Planet fans Brandon and Abel hate bad fan fiction—especially when it pairs their number-one TV crushes of all time, dashing space captain Cadmus and dapper android Sim. As co-runners of the Internet’s third most popular Castaway Planet vlog, they love to spar with the “Cadsim” fangirls who think Cadmus will melt Sim’s mechanical heart by the Season 5 finale.

This summer, Brandon and Abel have a mission: hit the road in an RV to follow the traveling Castaway Planet convention, interview the actors and showrunner, and uncover proof that a legit Cadsim romance will NEVER, EVER HAPPEN.

A Brandon and Abel romance: also not happening.

Brandon’s sick of his struggle to make “gay and Catholic” compute, so it’s safer to love a TV android. Plus Abel’s got a hot new boyfriend with a phoenix tattoo, and how can Brandon compete with that?

But when mysterious messages about them start popping up in the fan community, they make a shocking discovery that slowly forces their real feelings to the surface. Before they get to the last Castaway Planet convention, Brandon’s going to find out the truth: can a mechanical heart be reprogrammed, or will his first shot at love be a full system failure?

Ich hab’s mir jetzt als ebook geholt und will schnellstmöglich mit dem Lesen anfangen.
Noch jemand Lust?

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